Why God Doesn’t Answer Some Prayers?

ben gael
7 min readFeb 14, 2021



I have regularly asked why even little plans I make don’t succeed. God might have given me that work. He might have caused me on the off chance that He truly adored me. We frequently think on these lines, isn’t that right? We have a lot of inquiries we need God to answer similar to Job's when he experienced an emergency untold. He endured enormously and when his understanding ran out, he started to address the Lord of the universe requesting knowledge into His methodologies and for comprehension of why He had permitted the occasions that had dove his life into obscurity.

Not knowing can be exceptionally upsetting. So I figured I would share the little I comprehend from the Bible about the core of God which God needs to uncover to every individual who is contrite and humble to tune in. We generally remain before an honest Savior and God who had amazing intelligence and comprehension. Occupation too admitted that his agreement was pitiful and he had posed inquiries the appropriate responses of which were elevated for him to comprehend. Occupation finished up admitting that he was too frail to even think about seeing a powerful God and apologized in residue and remains.

God needs to free us from the servitude of obliviousness. He needs us to be made about the way and heading He is taking us. We have the freedom to ask and get an answer. Anyway, we should ask in Spirit and in truth. On the off chance that our hearts are too troubled or made up for a lost time in numerous considerations, we also will resemble the seed that fell among the thistles which couldn’t bear any organic product.

God expects that we listen realizing that he is acceptable and He genuinely minds. Truly it is valid, we don’t generally comprehend and we need God to explain things for us. In any case, God expects that we have a rich heart so the seed of the Word He expresses will take pulls and be firm for God to raise it up.

For in reality the Words He expresses stay away for the indefinite future void and they could bear no natural product if He somehow managed to talk paying little mind to our heart condition. It is basic for us to set up our souls before we present our inquiries to God with the goal that He can talk unmistakably and perceptibly to us. Sufferings and preliminaries frequently get ready us and we feel ready to listen when we are in a hard spot. We need frantically to hear God with the goal that He can light up our methodologies. The astonishing truth is that He can show us what we are fouling up and steer us the correct way.

His methodologies are really past discovering except if we humble ourselves and let Him hold us near His heart. We are disastrous that we serve a caring God who needs us to tune in to His heartbeat. His arrangements are excessively affected and He just does the best.

I have a little girl and I don’t allow her to eat frozen yogurt from a vendor. I need her to have the most ideal frozen yogurt. So I take her to a parlor with molding on amazing looking seats, a melodic feeling, and unadulterated outside air to allow her to make the most of her treat.

So it is with God. We need to pick something that is simple by the side of the road. Be that as it may, He says, “Stand by, I’ll you take you to the parlor.” Often the parlor is somewhat way off. We may need to walk a bit, and it regularly is under development. Individuals who should fabricate the parlor were confronting some difficulty thus we also stand by outside until the parlor is initiated and we would then be able to enter.

It’s just plain obvious, how simple life can be if just we comprehend that our Father is excessively extraordinary for us to effectively unravel. He generally makes extremely excellent and expands plans for every one of His kids. However, our kids are regularly delayed to comprehend. We need things, even the smallest scraps in a rush. We are not able to sit tight for God or on God for His best and this is the terrible motivation behind why numerous Christians are insulted and unpleasant at God. They are not able to applaud Him with their entire being. They experience difficulty asking, so they don’t get it. They don’t have a stroll with Him since they think it is pointless and He will not serve them even a dime.

We see Him unbiasedly through the perspective of ‘How would he be able to help me’? All things considered, He even couldn’t save Himself from the cross? This is no real way to think since it demonstrates that your heart has been disenchanted towards God and you are not able to allow God another opportunity to chip away at your heart, your sentiments, and your life. Trust Me, He merits your adoration and fondness. He hangs tight and aches for your supplication. He needs to light up your way. He is worried about your endless future. He doesn’t need your life to mean only He needs you to be a winner and get the best prizes in Heaven.

God just calls the unfit. He realizes that a lot of capability is an obstruction to advance. To advance with God, we frequently need to exhaust ourselves of every one of our accomplishments and our insight and come to Him like a young kid willing to gain from Him and trust Him with everything that is in us. He wants that us walk the whole distance with Him since He has such a huge amount to instruct and to share. He genuinely is an adoring and steady Father who profoundly cherishes us. He needs the best and will be close by regularly of your life — to look after you and to give you your deepest longings.

Unfaltering affection is the thing that makes us successful in Him. His Presence removes all the thistles and the thorns that stifle out His promise. He needs to commend you. He needs to grin with you and He needs to make the most of your adoration. He needs you to go to Him in each snapshot of your life. He genuinely comprehends all that you experience. He truly anticipates your affection. Yet, we are frequently up to speed in common care.

We essentially neglect to grasp His language to us. His language is extremely clear and apparent in the Bible. His language is one of flawlessness, goodness, pleasantness of soul, and steadfastness. He is emblematic of extreme love and flawlessness and magnificence. He is really a magnificent Father to become acquainted with. We need to stroll with Him, into His magnificence, in light of the fact that there is nobody else like Him. only He is great. While we were miscreants, He actually cherished us and gave His own Son for us. How incredible is His affection towards us! To be sure He is deserving of our gestures of recognition and our total love. Simply do His Word and when you come up short, turn around and request that he give you the strength and beauty to do His Will.

Try not to think He cherishes you less on the grounds that you bombed Him. His affection is unchangeable. His adoration won’t ever end. There is no length or profundity or stature to His affection which knows NO LIMITS. This is the brilliant God we serve. He is the Alpha and the Omega. Divine force of all creation and expert organizer of the Universe, He genuinely is shrewdness exemplified. He is continually considering you and arranging everything for your potential benefit.

The truth of the matter is we are too easy to even think about understanding His colossal, humungous plans for our life and we settle for the littlest that we can get. We don’t comprehend that God doesn’t need us to agree to second best. His adoration is so immense thus incredible that He needs to sumptuous the best things on us. We too should get the enormous endowments and not be stuck on accepting the littlest blessing since God needs us to pursue the best arrangement He has for us.

So don’t set your point low. You won’t have what you need since God will give you something that isn’t feasible for you to consider. Without a doubt, this is the mystery that Joseph found. Abraham likewise comprehended that God would possibly give him his first child when he became God-disapproved — burning of countless youngsters like the stars of the sky. We think he stood by truly long. Be that as it may, it wasn’t such a great amount about the time as it was about the end-product. It was tied in with giving Abraham a title that would be His unto forever. It was about the magnificence that would incorporate him into paradise. The position and the position that Abraham is qualified for because of his constant steadiness wasn’t something he could take care of however God is His astuteness saw Abraham rise like a star and sparkle splendidly into the remainder of endlessness. So be it.



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